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BRIGHT FUTURE coming soon
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About us
Dorcol Platz is a multidisciplinary creative hub, open to all individuals with artistic vision – a space for those advocating cultural and social transformation. Through its engagement with the community, Dorcol Platz promotes art, education, and projects designed to activate and connect both local and global creative sectors. By involving both established and emerging artists, students, scholars, and anyone with a shared interest – regardless of age – it seeks to become a center for sustainable development, with a focus on culture, ecology, technology, sports, and science. As an urban space embracing new artistic forms and global trends, Dorcol Platz contributes to fostering the cosmopolitan spirit of Belgrade. We strive to bring a piece of every culture to Dorcol – while always prioritizing the preservation of our own cultural heritage.
Dorcol Platz – A Meeting Place – A Rich Legacy
Dorcol stands out as one of the most historically significant and culturally rich areas of Belgrade. Known for its deep connection to the past, every street, intersection, and building in Dorcol tells a unique story, revealing layers of history waiting to be uncovered. The area’s remarkable diversity in such a compact space gives Dorcol its distinctive character, contributing to its cosmopolitan essence. This neighborhood has inspired many of Serbia’s most prominent figures, including Svetlana Velmar – Jankovic, Ivo Andric, Mesa Selimovic, and Stevan Mokranjac. The name “Dorcol” originates from Turkish, meaning “intersection,” referring to the junction of Cara Dusana, Kralja Petra, and Dubrovacka streets. In the Middle Ages, Dorcol was a central part of the city and an important commercial link between the Ottoman Empire, Austria, Bulgaria, and the Venetian Republic. Even after Belgrade became the capital of Serbia, Dorcol retained its multicultural identity. The area that was once home to the Jewish quarter is now known as Jevrejska Street. During the Austrian occupation, the lower part of Dorcol housed the court of Prince Eugene of Savoy.
A Neighborhood with a History of Its Own
Dorcol is a neighborhood with a rich history, with its secrets hidden in underground passageways, while the old low houses and narrow streets have gradually made way for modern buildings. However, some parts of Dorcol, with their timeless charm and lingering secrets, still offer glimpses of the area’s past. These remnants serve as reminders of the original character of this remarkable place in Belgrade, which still deserves to be thoroughly explored. And so, the adventure of rediscovery continues!
O nama
Dorćol Platz je multidisciplinarna art komuna otvorena za sve kreativne ljude, mesto susreta svih koji se zalazu za kulturne i društvene promene. Dorćol Platz deluje na zajednicu kroz umetnost, obrazovanje i projekte usmerene na aktiviranje i umrežavanje domaćeg i stranog kreativnog sektora. Uključivanjem afirmisanih i neafirmisanih umetnika, studenata, naučnika i svih zainteresovanih pojedinaca i grupa, mladih i starih, tezi da postane centar održivog razvoja kroz kulturu, ekologiju, tehnologiju, sport i nauku. Kao urbani prostor koji je otvoren za nove umetničke forme i svetske tendencije, doprinosi sirenju kosmopolitskog duha Beograda. Trudićemo se da donesemo delić svake kulture na Dorćol – ali, pre svega, da očuvamo nasu kulturnu baštinu.
Dorćol Platz – mesto susreta – kratak istorijat
Slobodno se može reci da nijedna gradska četvrt nije toliko prožeta istorijom, bogata pričama i legendama kao Dorćol. Ova kultna tačka naše prestonice vazi za jedno od najstarijih, a ujedno i najznačajnih beogradskih naselja. Svaka ulica, raskrsnica, kuca i zgrada krije u sebi bogatu istoriju i priča posebnu priču koju treba otkriti. Upravo ta raznolikost na malom prostoru, daje Dorćolu specifičnost i kosmopolitski karakter. Zbog toga nije ni čudno to sto su bas na tom mestu svoju inspiraciju tražili i nalazili mnogobrojni srpski stvaraoci: Svetlana Velmar – Janković, Ivo Andrić, Mesa Selimović i Stevan Mokranjac. Naziv Dorćol potiče od turskog jezika i znaci „raskrsnica“, a odnosi se na današnju raskrsnicu ulica Cara Dušana i Kralja Petra, odnosno Dubrovačke. Kao severno predgrađe, u srednjem veku Dorćol je bio glavni deo gradske varoši i vazna trgovačka veza između Turske, Austrije, Bugarske i Mletačke Republike. Nakon sto je Beograd postao prestonica Srbije, Dorćol je zadržao multinacionalni karakter, a mesto gde se nekada nalazila jevrejska mahala danas nosi naziv Jevrejska ulica. Tokom privremene austrijske okupacije, na mestu donjeg Dorćola nalazilo se sedište suda princa Eugena od Savoja. Četvrt koja je istorija sama za sebe, svoje tajne krije u podzemnim prolazima, a stare niske kuce i uske ulice vremenom su zamenjene modernim zgradama. Ipak, neki delovi Dorćola, iako polako nestaju, podsecaju na stari izgled ove predivne tačke u Beogradu koju svakako treba dobro upoznati. A avantura ponovnog susreta može ponovo da počne!
- Dobračina 59B, Beograd, 11000